Sword of Symphony

Sword of Symphony

The story of Sword Of Symphony is centred around music wielders called ’Composers’ who dwell in a musical kingdom called ’Sonata’. Composers dedicate their lives to composing music (music is the energy source of the soundscape).

Developer: Stephen Ddungu

Release Date: To Be Announced


This new title, which I began on 16th December 2020, came about due to me needing something to base my university final project on that suits the criteria [I study Creative Music Technology (BA)]. And since I couldn’t use Purpose at the time, nor did I want to do something that wouldn’t utilise my creative attributes, I decided that capitalise on this opportunity to flesh out the story of Purpose even greater in a more ‘cryptic’ way and thus, this project was birthed into existence. Sword Of Symphony’s premise is simple, yet at the same time is probably my most ambitious and creative idea yet, since it explores the concept of using character-action gameplay to compose music.‬
On the surface, this title appears to have nothing to do with the story of Purpose, however it is actually VERY deeply connected to both Tobias and Kaleb’s stories, arguably even more than the relationship between Purpose: VERSA and Purpose: VERSUS.
Although how Sword Of Symphony is connected to the story of Purpose is currently a secret. 😉

Some of my followers have speculated a Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy type of relationship between Sword Of Symphony and Purpose, however I can confirm and assure that it is nothing like that. I’ll gladly keep you all guessing though. It entertains me 😉

The story of Sword Of Symphony is centred around music wielders called ’Composers’ who dwell in a musical kingdom called ’Sonata’. Composers dedicate their lives to composing music (music is the energy source of the soundscape). They also fight to preserve the tonality of the soundscape, innovate new Melodies, and experiment with them in collaboration with other Composers to inspire and help each other develop their abilities to wield music and fend off against The Taçet (manifestation of ‘writer’s block’), a race of being that feeds off the creativity in Composers, and rogue Composers who wishes to steal other Composers’ Melodies, and overthrow the Royal Council Of Sonata.


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